The New Producers - Part 3: 8 things you need to know to create free content that people pay you to make!
Video equipment is cheap, and access to eyeballs has never been easier. But getting a sustainable return on the effort and cost of creating content is one big problem that has been killing traditional publishers. So, who is making free content that people will pay for, how do you actually monetise that content, and how do you create free content that people will pay you to make? This three part article looks at these questions. Part 1 - Who is making paying content for free? Part 2 - How do you monetise free content? Part 3 - 8 things you need to know to create free content that people pay you to make! Without a story, a film is just a collection of disparate shots. And no matter how pretty, they are just some shots. But to attract a following, a channel's films must make some sort of point. So it’s worth understanding something about the nature of story itself. Here we are then, at the third and final article in this series. There is a lot of advice around to do with ma...