
Showing posts from January, 2007
A Tree-Myth - Carbon sinks that don't work and what to do about it It occurred to me that it's all very well having someone plant a tree to offset your cheap flight to Florida. And for the first few years I can't argue. The tree breathes in the CO2 and turns it into wood. The carbon is scrubbed from the air and all looks fine and dandy. A few years later the tree dies - as all trees do. It could be cut down and used for firewood, it could just fade back gently into the forest or it could be turned into trendy modern furniture. For the first two options all the CO2 it locked up during its life is released back into the atmosphere again immediately. In the third option it is turned into several bits of furniture and spends the next few years keeping breakfast, lunch and dinner off the floor in a nice family house in the suburbs. Eventually its ability to break breakfast's fall is undermined when the new puppy chews one of its legs off. It then gets to follow either o...
I got called out to a customer recently. He called to say that the machine no longer showed websites and could I help? Computer repair in Southampton is what we do. I got round and quickly discovered that someone had set Norton to its most paranoid. It took all of five minutes to work this out and fix the problem. There was no password. Now I don't like the idea of charging for a full hour so I asked if there was anything else I could help with. The filing cabinet caught my eye. None of the drawers were in properly. A few minutes of fiddling later and the thing was working. I was offered coffee. As we talked it transpired that his wife was abroad and that the calls were really expensive. So I told him about Telediscount . He liked that, his calls are now about 2p per minute. Next came Skype. He liked that too and called me out again using Skype when his iPod jammed. I showed him a few useful sites on the Net and pretty soon the hour was up. The man couldn't get the money in...

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