Rich and I had an idea...
The quality management systems business is slow to take off. I think that we're trying to sell the wrong thing. People don't warm to the notion of having an ISO system like 9001:2000 or 14001:2004; the idea seems to be alien to them. We take the point that our business should be all about gaining and keeping customers and ISO just isn't interesting to most businesses.
Now we're really convinced about them. The reasons are clear like crystal to us. After all, can any business say that it doesn't need improvement? Can any business say it's not concerned about its competitors? Can any business say it knows it all? Just three questions from many.
So we've set up a little computer repair business that uses big system tools from the like of Theory of Constraints, Six Sigma and Lean. The idea is to show that these tools can be used by quite tiny SME's.
As time goes by we shall publish performance data to show that it works.
Talking of data, here is a sciogram of the marketing. It's one tool we use to get instant visual confirmation of what is working.
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