In an inventive seizure I tracked down and purchased two and a half metres of 50mm sqaure section tube, a two coupling and enough seven core cable and plugs to extend the trailer's electrics. Some drilling and wiring and down to the yard mob handed. We wrestled the masts from their storage and onto the trailer.
The two and a half metre bar was roped securely to the foot of the mainmast. Then the other end was roped down tightly to the boards that had been bolted across the top of the trailer. This extended the trailor to about forty feet long. The mizzen manst was laid down on top of the main and roped to it. Then the whole lot was hitched to the van and the electrics connected and tested. it all seemed to work
We formed up in a convoy with my father in front, then me and bringing up the rear was Richard. It was dark as we started the two mile journey back to my father's house where the masts are to be repaired and stored. Richard daughter Jess rode with me keeping an eye on the tow. If something went wrong and the trailer started steering itself I needed to know quickly
And it all happened without incident.
We stoppped a few times to let anxious traffic past and had the masts in the driveway less than fifteen minutes later. The very next evening Richar came around and helped me lift the masts onto the scaffolding towers I'd built during the day. Two days after that and they were individually wrapped in plasted sheeting; finally protected from the elements. Ready for work to commence.
Framing Questions for Interviews
The fourteenth century is not one which the English celebrate with any great pride - if, indeed, at all. The population had been halved by the Black Death, two kings wrested from their throne, and English dreams of empire had crumbled in the attrition of the hundred years war. Not quite the end of the world, but you could definitely see it from there. In the candlelit Kentish dark, and with his quill on vellum, the then Clerk of Romney wrote up his Register. Daniel Rough added a short epigram which may well have been his critique on the times in which he lived: Si sapiens fore vis sex servus qui tibi mando Quid dicas et ubi, de quo, cur, quomodo, quando. If you wish to be wise I commend to you six servants Ask what, where, about what, why, how, when. Some six hundred years later, the relationship with France was healing, the British Empire far exceeded expectations, and a journalist called Rudyard Kipling had a story published in a womens' magazine. The Elephant's Chi...