The shortest story I ever told
What is a Quantum scale story? As some might have noticed I am somewhat intrigued by the Dramatica Theory of story. Clearly it has plenty to say about the larger works of film and literature but what happens when stories get small? Really small. Web research threw up the notion of a story engram from a Dr. Renée Fuller . It's the combination of a noun and verb. But this seemed to fall a bit short of a story. It's hard to get the feeling of a story with such a simple statement. I wondered about the shortest story that could be told. Dramatica defines a 'grand argument' story as an author's argument for the solution to a problem. A story has four throughlines to represent the four possible perspectives of I, You, We and They. The problem space is fourfold, one for each perspective. They are an internal or external situation or activity. Examples of the external are simple; a family meeting and and playing a game of chess. Internal situations manifest as fixed atti...