Come on Steenbeck
When I think of editing I still have a momentary image of a big blue table with six plates, the feeling of joining tape under the fingernails and heady anticipation of looking at an answer print. Steenbeck is ingrained into my mind even after years away from editing film. So I looked Steenbeck up on the web and they're still there. In Holland now not Hamburg but still turning out new machines and repairing old ones. In a fit of nostalgia I wrote an email saying how glad I was that they still existed and got back a very polite reply. But I think that they're missing a trick. Undoubtedly, the Steenbeck paddle controller is peerless in its sensitive control of the machine's transport. You can be so accurate with it from almost plate tectonics up to full rewind chat and its magnetic detents were in just the right place. That controller should be driving Final Cut, Premiere or even Avid because it's a part of editing! I can see so clearly in my mind how the film tr...