In his book Breaking the Constraints to a World-class Performance , William Dettmer discusses conflict resolution. He observes that often what we call conflict is in fact confrontation - the expression of an emotional response to a deeper, subtle conflict which often goes unrecognised. He describes two types of conflict both as competing forces. Opposite Conditions are forces which push us both to do something and not to do something or to do its opposite at the same time. Different Alternatives are mutually exclusive conditions which attempt to coexist. Classically the conflict is resolved either by imposing a solution on one side by the other or by compromise. The Gulf War is an example of the first win-lose solution and serves as clear evidence that such a solution does not actually break the conflict. Compromise is a solution where neither side gets what they want. The cold war showed just how great the cost of this can be. The best solution is where both sides get what the...