
Showing posts from March, 2008

Story? We all know what you mean by that!

Since I returned to my first career I have become quite preoccupied by this thing called story. It's one of those things that everybody knows. We are so familiar with it yet when asked to define it a realisation grows that there is no universal standard definition. It's something that we take for granted, use and enjoy and yet know so little about. When I began to look into story I thought about what it means to me. And most of my perceptions of it seem to come from my childhood. I remember sitting on the floor with my sister in front of the fire listening to Children's Hour on my parents' old Bush wireless. Those valve warmed voices of the BBC's Home Service mingled with the loudly glowing logs and wonder and excitement became my own as the storyteller led me through countless adventures. Later, at boarding school, we sat in neat grey corduroy shorts around the library fireplace whilst a teacher read to us before hot milk and bed. It was where I first came acro...


As I walked in to the recent IPTV World Forum 2008 show at Olympia in London I was almost overwhelmed by the number of set top boxes on show. There were also a lot of head end server systems as well as myriad test tools and equipment. It reminded me of the IT trade shows I went to long ago. It seems to me that IPTV is hanging its hat on quality of service for TV distributed by ISPs like BT Vision whose model is so similar to broadcast as to be almost indistinguishable. One USP to the ISPs is that there are bundled facilities here to prevent churn - things like caller ID on your TV. My impression is that there are just too many players for the market to support. I think this for two reasons. First is that even if everyone deserts cable and satellite in favour of IPTV there are too many. But perhaps more significantly I think they have missed a trick. It's possible to get pretty much all of Freeview via the Internet now. If you add in all the other sources of TV then the choice fa...
How did I get here? After a very long time away from the industry I am returning to film making. My first career was in the BBC's cutting rooms where I was lucky to have been given BBC training. You never forget it. Well in 1989 I left the Beeb to do other things and even worked for the lies side on gameshows for a little while. But TV had lost its allure for me so I ran away to sea, navigated race yachts and became a delivery skipper. This was great fun but a financial low point so I swam ashore to seek my less salty fortune. The world was kind and the sun shone and I laboured at a variety of things, mostly of my own invention but I had some jobs as well. In 1998 I was employed by a dot com. It was a wonderful time for me. I was given a very long job title, a huge salary and was told to, well, do stuff. I did. And about a year later when investors around the world began to wonder exactly what it was they were investing in there was a small hiss and we began to implode. It tran...
What a very great deal I've not done to the boat in the last year. Actually I am in the process of getting her moved to another yard where an old friend of mine - a shipwright - can put her back into the sort of order she needs to be in. Most probably she'll go by road down to the west country and sit quietly by the sea while Bob sorts out my various sins of omission.

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